9 Landscaping Tips to Banish Mosquitoes

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The rising temperatures and longer days of summer mean more time spent enjoying the great outdoors. Picnics in the backyard and impromptu family soccer games can make us more vulnerable to the whims of arguably the most bothersome biting bugs of the season: mosquitoes.
Mosquito bites can range from mildly annoying to outright dangerous since these insects are well-known carriers of serious viruses and pathogens. Luckily, you can transform your outdoor space into a place less hospitable to mosquitoes with these tips.
If you’re tired of mosquitoes’ incessant buzzing and itchy bites, here’s how to improve the landscaping in your yard to make it a peaceful oasis that mosquitoes avoid.
A still pond can be a lovely aesthetic addition to your backyard, but it’s almost certainly doubling as a productive breeding ground for mosquitoes. These pests lay their eggs in stagnant water, relying on the microorganisms that thrive in calm water to feed their larvae when they hatch. A fountain or bubbler in a pond can help disturb the water enough to deter mosquitoes from breeding.
Mosquitoes require only a small amount of stagnant water in which to lay their eggs, so even small pools in empty flowerpots or ones collected in the wake of heavy rainfall on the pool cover or tarp can be powerful mosquito magnets. Any small ditches, old tires, kids’ playsets, clogged gutters, or other potential collection spots should be leveled, filled, or cleaned to prevent water from accumulating.
Mosquitoes are notoriously weak flyers whose courses are thrown off by even a slight breeze. Impressively tall trees and shrubbery, while a sight to behold, may be blocking the wind needed to discourage mosquitoes from soaring into your yard. A yard with fewer natural or man-made windscreens is a yard less likely to see swarms of these tiny pests, so keep that in mind when incorporating towering foliage into your landscape design.
Mosquitoes not invited to your outdoor dinner party? We don’t blame you. A great way to deter these insects from your table is to use an electric fan. A fan’s breeze is too strong for these weak flyers, so whether you use the steady breeze of a ceiling fan or the oscillation of a standing or desktop fan, you’ll be in great shape for fewer mosquito bites and more fun.
Large shrubs, bushes, and trees are a mosquito’s ideal landing spot. Often, the tall grass, dense foliage, and shady vegetation that mosquitoes use as their hideaways can house more mosquitoes than we bargained for. Think twice before planting a row of dense greenery near places where you like to relax, and if you’ve got a lush garden on your hands, trimming and pruning thick plants can cut down on potential mosquito hiding spots. Since mosquitoes are weak flyers, they’re looking for vegetation they can land in before coming closer for a bite.
Many of mosquitoes’ favorite hiding spots are an unfortunately short distance away from swing sets and picnic areas, meaning it’s a quick flight over to bite your unsuspecting family members. These pests have evolved to sense body heat and the carbon dioxide we breathe into the air, so they’re biologically attuned to sense us from many feet away. Rearranging dining areas, moving potted plants, and replanting large bushes in areas away from the crowd will go a long way in preventing itchy bites.
Thoughtfully placed herbs such as rosemary, lavender, peppermint, lemongrass, basil, catnip, and lemon balm can be planted in the ground or in pots to ward off mosquitoes. Garlic, citronella geraniums, marigolds, and catmints are also handy plants to have on deck to keep biting bugs at bay.
If adding more plant care to your plate sounds daunting, utilizing the scents of mosquito-repelling plants will also work. Essential oils, powders, sprigs of fresh herbs, and natural distillates can be placed around the yard to disorient mosquitoes and send them looking for a snack elsewhere.
Because mosquitoes are so small, they’re able to shelter in places we’d least suspect, like unmowed grass or beneath sizeable weeds. Toys or sports equipment left outside and piles of leaves or grass clippings can also house pesky mosquitoes, so keeping up with the outdoor chores on your list is not only essential to cultivating the yard of your dreams, but it’s also an important step in mosquito control.
You and your family don’t have to spend the summer indoors to avoid biting bugs. If you’re looking for pet- and family-friendly mosquito help for an active infestation, contact our pest control professionals for help. We’re here to make your home and yard more comfortable no matter what pests the season holds.