Sealing Off Mouse Entry Points

Sealing Off Mouse Entry Points

Cracks in walls, worn-out weather stripping, and neglected messes can all—unfortunately—bring mice indoors where they don’t belong. A mouse’s narrow, flexible body can fit through gaps as small as ¼”, so even small holes can provide unrestricted rodent access. Secure your home against mice with these tips for sealing off mouse entry points.


Mice have small (usually gray or brown) bodies, comparatively large ears, and long tails. These mammals typically weigh a few ounces and are 2 ½-3 ¾” long. It’s because of this small size that they’re notoriously able to squeeze through tight spaces.

Many people actually see the signs of mice activity before spotting the critters themselves. Signs of a mice infestation include small, pointed droppings and gnaw marks on walls, doors, cords, and other objects. It’s also possible to hear mice scurrying through walls during the evenings since they’re nocturnal.

Mice are known carriers of bacteria and other pathogens that can contaminate food, and their chewing habits can create fire hazards when they damage electrical cords.


There is good news: you can prevent mice from coming inside by learning what’s drawing them indoors and then eliminating their entry points.


Before dealing with the ways mice are getting in, take a moment to look around and see what’s luring mice inside in the first place. Like all pests, mice are in search of food, water, and shelter. Crumbs, spills, and slow leaks can all provide nourishment, while cluttered areas of paper goods and boxes can provide nesting materials.

Take some time to tidy up and remove what could be tempting mice to come indoors. And remember that mice aren’t picky when it comes to food sources. Pet food and scraps in trash cans can all lure mice to your home.


Next, grab a flashlight and get ready to make a list of possible places where mice may be coming indoors. Take a look around your home both inside and out for a thorough inspection. Remember, you’re looking for openings as small as ¼”—that’s all it takes for a mouse to squeeze through.

Common mouse entry points include:

  • Kitchen cabinets
  • Broken pipes
  • Gaps in baseboards and along chimneys
  • Worn out weather stripping
  • Cracks around doors or windows
  • Foundation holes
  • Under or near appliances
  • Plumbing voids
  • Around gas lines or electrical wiring


Once you’re discovered where mice are getting in, it’s time to seal these open channels shut. Replace worn out weather stripping and seal up small gaps and cracks with caulk. Insulation foam purchased at your local home improvement store can be great for closing exposed areas where pipes come inside.

Steel wool is also an effective mice-blocking tool. Mice are unable to chew through the metal mesh, so stuffing it in small gaps can be an effective mouse deterrent.

Your house is where you deserve to feel the most secure, but the presence of mice can erode that peace of mind. If you’re facing an infestation of mice and would like help identifying potential entry points and getting rid of the invading pests, contact the professionals at Joshua’s Pest Control. Our experts have the knowledge and tools for pet- and family-friendly treatments that will get rid of mice and restore your home’s security.