What Tiny Black Bugs Are in Houses Near Windows?

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If you’ve noticed tiny black bugs near your windows, you’re not alone. While it’s easy to mistake these little critters for specks of dirt, it’s a completely different story when you notice the “specks of dirt” moving!
Rest assured, if you see unwanted tiny insects hanging around your windows, it’s not usually a reflection of poor housekeeping. Many bugs, especially the tiny ones, are well known for their uncanny ability to enter a home through the smallest of openings, especially near windows. Thankfully, you can take steps to identify and get rid of these window-dwelling pests.
Finding small black bugs by your window isn’t uncommon.
Windowsills often provide a source of high light levels and preferred temperatures for many insects looking to escape the elements outdoors. When it comes to identifying what type of small black bugs are taking up residence by your windows, there are several types of pests to consider.

One of the most common black bugs seen inside homes are carpet beetles. Adult carpet beetles are attracted to light, so when they’re not found in your carpet, on upholstered furniture, or snacking on synthetic fibers like blankets and clothing, you’ll most likely find them hanging out near windows.
There are three common species of carpet beetles that may appear near your windows:
The varied carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci) is just 1/10 inches long and features an irregular pattern of white, brown, and yellow on its wings. As the beetle ages, the pattern wears off, making them appear to be solid dark brown or black in color.
The furniture carpet beetle (Anthrenus flavipes) tends to be larger and rounder than the varied carpet beetle. The black spots intermixed with white and yellow or orange scales give off a mottled appearance on its wing covers. Similar to the varied carpet beetle, the pattern on the furniture carpet beetle scales wears off over time, making it appear completely black.
Last but not least, the black carpet beetle (Attagenus unicolor) is different from the previous two carpet beetles. These shiny black or dark brown beetles are ⅛ to 3/16 inches long and have oval-shaped bodies that look similar to a grain of rice.
Regardless of which type of carpet beetle is lounging on your windowsill, they are highly skilled at finding food in obscure places and can quickly disperse, making them one of the trickiest indoor pests to control. They frequently enter homes through open doors and windows and are attracted to animal fur, hair, wool, silk, leather, feathers, and other natural materials commonly found indoors.

Another small black bug you may find hanging around your windows is the common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Also known as a vinegar fly, this pest is only 1⁄8 of an inch long. These small dark insects tend to enter homes through tiny cracks near windows and doors in an attempt to find rotting food in your kitchen or trash cans. Since fruit flies can lay upwards of 500 eggs at a time and have a short lifespan of 2–3 weeks, when you find one fruit fly, more are sure to follow.

Other tiny insects found hovering around your windowsill may very well be gnats. While there are many species of gnats, dark-winged fungus gnats (family Sciaridae) are often found indoors near sources of natural light. These insects aren’t known to bite, but they are considered a nuisance since they can reproduce rapidly.
Dark-winged fungus gnats are typically 1–11 mm long with dark gray wings. Their eyes meet above their antennae. They are commonly known to congregate in or around indoor potted plants and soil as they like to feed on the roots and stems located near the soil level. Since most indoor plants are located near windows for natural sunlight, you may find these pesky gnats taking over your houseplants.

Don’t let the name deceive you—there is no “luck” involved when discovering clover mites in your home. Measuring smaller than the size of a pinhead, about 1/30 inches, clover mites (Bryobia praetiosa) are often a rusty red or olive green color. With two main body parts and eight legs total, the clover mites’ front legs are twice as long as their other legs and are often held out in front of their body, making them easily mistaken for antennae.
While clover mites are not known to be a direct threat to humans or cause property damage like other insects, they are considered to be a nuisance. Increased activity often occurs in the cooler spring months as these plant-eating bugs begin to feast on plants, clovers (hence the name), and over-fertilized grass.
When warmer weather arrives and their food source begins to die, clover mites will travel in high numbers to seek cooler environments. If you have lush vegetation on your property and notice a sudden infestation of tiny bugs near your windows, chances are you are dealing with clover mites looking for a new home.
During the effort to rid your home of clover mites, avoid smashing these tiny bugs as they often leave a red stain that is difficult to remove. Vacuuming these unwanted visitors may be a better option for small infestations.

Ants are another type of visitor that may take up residence near your windows. Out of over 700 ant species across the United States, approximately 25 species infest people’s homes. These species typically share similar features, such as antennae and six legs. Depending on the species, an ant’s size and color may vary.
One of the most common species of ants found inside homes near windows is the black carpenter ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus). These larger ants can range anywhere from ½ to ⅝ inches long and can appear red, black, or reddish brown in color. They enjoy building nests in or around window frames and are famous for creating in-depth tunnel systems where hundreds or thousands of ants can live.
If you’re seeing extra moisture around your window frames, it’s best to remediate this issue quickly since it can create an inviting environment for carpenter ants and wood rot. If you notice any sawdust-like shavings or pieces of insulation piling up near your windows, consider this a possible sign of a carpenter ant activity and call our professional pest control company immediately.

Another common insect that can be frequently found near windows is the drugstore beetle (Stegobium paniceum) or biscuit beetle. Often confused with the cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne), the drugstore beetle is about 1/10 inches long, light brown or reddish brown in color, and has a cylindrical body with a humpback. If you see a beetle with distinct grooves in its wings or fine, silky hair, you may have discovered a drugstore beetle.
The interesting thing about drugstore beetles is that they will not hang out by your window for very long. Windows are often their entry point to get into your home. From there, they are frequently found in kitchens and pantries, showing a preference for feasting on stored grains, seeds, and other products. If you identify drugstore beetles in your home, contact a pest control expert here at Joshua’s Pest Control. Our trained experts will help you prevent or treat an infestation throughout your home.

Now that you have identified your unwanted window guests, you may be wondering why they are there to begin with. Here are some of the common reasons why tiny bugs may be attracted to your windows.
- Warmth and light. Windows offer a source of warmth and light. Most insects don’t enjoy colder temperatures, so as the weather changes outside, they will find any available entry point to get inside your home for warmth and comfort. Additionally, colder temperatures often cause insects to slow down, making it difficult to move. They prefer warmer surfaces like windowsills because it offers a comfortable resting spot before they move to their next desired location.
- Moisture. Moisture is a major factor when it comes to experiencing an insect infestation. When the warmer air inside your home makes contact with the cool windowpane, condensation forms. This creates a paradise for tiny insects who require warm or humid environments for survival.
- Food sources. While finding bugs near your windows is not a direct correlation to a messy home, it’s always in your best interest to frequently clean your windowsills to avoid any possible debris buildup. Many insects like to feed on things like mold, wood, silk, natural fibers, and even pet hair. If any of these items accumulate in your home, the chances are that you may discover unwanted pests sooner rather than later.

Identifying the pests invading your home is the first step in solving your insect problem. The second step is figuring out how to get rid of them. Keeping pests out of your home permanently can be challenging, however, there are several important steps you can take to decrease your chances of getting any unwanted visitors in the future.
- Keep your yard clean. One of the many benefits of keeping a clean and tidy yard, garden, or patio space is that it deters bugs from entering your home. If you have a lawn, put your lawnmower to work. Keeping your grass trimmed makes it more difficult for bugs to hide or gain access to your home. You can also look into specific landscaping plants that repel bugs, such as basil, chrysanthemums, lavender, and others.
- Seal any openings or cracks in your walls. Understandably, most insects will enter a home through any small openings that are available. Pay special attention to small cracks and crevices in or around your windows, doors, and foundation. Once you find possible entry points for unwanted insects, seal them immediately with pipe sealants or caulk. If you are unsure how to handle larger openings in your home, contact a professional.
- Repair damaged windows and window screens. If there is any damage to your window or window screen, your immediate attention is required. Repairing these damages can drastically reduce the number of insects making their way into your home.
- Give weatherstripping or door sweeps a try. Do you experience a gap in your doorway, either between the bottom of your door and the floor or between the door and where it meets the wall? How about a gap between the bottom or sides of the windows? These problems are common in many homes, regardless of how old or new they are.
A cost-effective solution you can explore is adding weatherstripping or door seals to the frames of doors and windows. This keeps insects from entering your home through any available openings by closing up the spaces with a flexible material that will contour to any gaps.
- Properly maintain your indoor plants. Don’t forget, there are plenty of insects that love indoor plants just as much as we do.
Help avoid infestations by making sure to not overwater your plants. Standing water is a key attraction that lures unwanted insects. You can also refresh your potted soil every few months to ensure no insect larvae are present. You can even inspect and wipe down your plant’s leaves on a weekly or biweekly basis to make sure no insects or insect larvae are hanging about.
- Eliminate potential breeding grounds. If you have any moist, damp, or dark areas in your home, it’s in your best interest to resolve this issue so you don’t attract any unwanted pests. Most insects prefer this type of environment due to the moisture it provides. Trash cans, or any other place where food may build up, are another ideal location for insects to take up residence. It offers a dark place to hide, lay eggs, and feed—the perfect formula for an infestation.
If you’re facing bugs indoors, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. Our friendly field experts at Joshua’s Pest Control know exactly how to help you get rid of the tiny black bugs hanging around your windows. Give us a call for a free quote so you can be one step closer to reclaiming your home and avoiding infestations.
- https://extension.umn.edu/insect-relatives/clover-mites
- https://www.pestworld.org/news-hub/pest-articles/clover-mites-flourish-in-early-spring/
- https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/ants/
- https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/ants/carpenter-ants/
- https://indoorense.com/how-to-stop-bugs-from-coming-under-the-door/
- https://extension.psu.edu/drugstore-beetle
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/fungus-gnats
- https://www.britannica.com/animal/vinegar-fly
- https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/fabric/furniture_carpet_beetle.htm
- https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/fabric/black_carpet_beetle.htm
- https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7436.html
- https://todayshomeowner.com/windows/guides/what-are-the-small-black-bugs-around-window/
- https://www.houselogic.com/by-room/yard-patio/how-to-keep-bugs-away-from-patio/
- https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/stored/drugstore_beetle.htm
- https://ag.umass.edu/landscape/publications-resources/insect-mite-guide/bryobia-praetiosa
Courtney Enzor has worked in the pest control industry for about a decade. From helping you build a fly trap to giving you the best tips for identifying various bugs, she loves answering all your pest-related questions and sharing her pest-related expertise through writing. At the end of the day, she hopes her content will help people avoid mishaps and keep families happy and healthy!