At Joshua’s, We Work Hard, Play Hard

Table of Contents
Working at Joshua’s, we have two things that are really important for us:
1. Working hard to make sure all of our customers receive great customer service.
2. Playing hard to make sure all of our employees love their jobs!

One way we play hard, is by having all branch activities where our field experts and office experts get to hang out together. We love sharing holidays with one another and we like to make a big deal about them. In October, we had a dress up day in the office, where everyone got to wear their Halloween costumes, and play games and go trick or treating at each other’s cubicles. This year’s costume contest was difficult to judge because we had several awesome costumes, including a hot dog, a tourist, a construction worker and a vampire. The winner ended up being a Winnie-the-Pooh who was able to be a realistic Winnie-the-Pooh because she’s expecting her own little bear in December!
Another holiday we like to celebrate at Joshua’s, is Thanksgiving!. We had branch Thanksgiving a few days ago and it was a lot of fun! Our management staff came in and flipped pancakes, cooked eggs and grilled sausage for all of our awesome experts. We also played games and the team with the most correct answers on a quiz got to take home a 15 pound turkey! Everyone had a great time catching up with one another over breakfast and games.
Working for Joshua’s is the true definition of work hard, play hard.