Giving Back at the San Diego Food Bank

Helping the Hungry with the San Diego Food Bank
Did you know that the San Diego Food Bank serves over 400,000 people a month?
They have many different programs to help lower the amount of people going hungry in San Diego. Recently, the Joshua’s team had the opportunity to go to the San Diego Food Bank Warehouse and help organize all the food donations from the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.
Last month, the National Association of Letter Carriers hosted their 24th annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, an event where people can leave bags of food donations outside of their home for the mail carriers to collect and take it to the donation center. Over the course two days, our team helped sort over 7200 pounds of food and there was still more to come. The food that we sorted will be used in a number of ways to help many hungry and malnourished families in our community receive the food the need.
On another occasion, our Community Care Manager volunteered at the San Diego Food Bank Warehouse and helped sort different fresh produce for distribution. It was awesome seeing how much fresh produces there was, because it meant that the people who would be receiving help from the San Diego Food Bank weren’t just going to get boxed and canned goods, they would also get nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables.
The San Diego Food Bank relies on volunteers to help sort and organize food every day. If you’re interested in giving back to our community like we did, or if you’re interested in hosting a food drive, check out their website for more information.