Pitching In to Cleanup Our San Diego Beaches

We Adopted 2 Beaches!
Joshua’s Pest Control adopted two beaches in Solana Beach through the Adopt-A-Beach program in San Diego.

The best part about adopting a beach, is we all got to go to Solana Beach, enjoy the sunshine and the waves, and clean up this beautiful county we live in. Last week, we went to work on our adopted beaches with the help of I Love a Clean San Diego. Before we got started, Erika, a rep from I Love a Clean San Diego, gave a great presentation to offer tips about the work and to share a little about the importance of our efforts. She passed around a jar with a lot of trash in it. There was a fishing lure, part of a toothbrush, a lighter, and a few other things that had no business being on our lovely shoreline. Erika told us that everything in the jar had been found inside an albatross’ stomach. She reminded us that when trash and discarded items end up going down storm drains they end up in our oceans and in the stomachs of birds and marine animals that mistake them for food.
After the presentation, armed with trash bags, we split into two groups and started combing the beaches picking up everything that wasn’t supposed to be there. We found food wrappers, bottles, cans, a full diaper and so much more. We covered about 4 miles, removing all the trash we could find. It was eye-opening to realize how much trash winds up on our wonderful beaches. We’re proud of our efforts and grateful that we were given the opportunity to pitch in to do our part in helping beautify our community and hopefully saving a few animals from ingesting any of the items we removed.
It was a great bonding opportunity for our team and an awesome service project that we can’t wait to do again!