Frequently these pests build hanging honeycomb-shaped nests from eaves, overhangs, and tree branches. Colors and sizes differ among species. They are territorial and extremely aggressive. Generally, many wasp stings are more painful than bee or scorpion stings.

Mud Daubers
These tiny insects don’t sting but they can be a nuisance nonetheless. Mud daubers construct nests comprised of mud tubes high on walls and under overhangs to protect their larvae and food storage.

Fleas feed on blood and live on furry animals such as dogs and cats. They are very tiny and can spread disease, similar to ticks. They are most commonly carried into the home by pets.
Adults can live over one year without eating. Ticks generally live on animals, carrying disease. They feed on blood and their colors and sizes vary with different species.

There are many different species varying in size and color. Each body segment has a pair of legs, anywhere from ten to one hundred segments. Centipedes seek out damp environments. They are just as content outside, under a rock or leaves, as they are in a damp basement. Centipedes feed on insects and spiders. They have large jaws and can bite humans, with a sting comparable to a bee.

Most species’ sting is relative to a bee sting. Scorpions are two inches long on average. They eat spiders, insects, and other scorpions. Nocturnal, they hide in shoes, blankets, drawers, and under rocks during the day.