Our Team-Up with Kids for Peace

In July, Joshua’s Pest Control partnered with an organization called Kids for Peace. They are a local non-profit in Carlsbad and their goal is to help kids create a positive environment to live and learn in. They have an initiative called the Great Kindness Challenge encouraging kids in school to do as many acts of kindness as possible. They encourage children to give back to the world and focus on making the world a better place. One project they have been working on is building a school, a library and a playground for a group of kids in a community in Kenya. Recently, Kids for Peace organized a fundraiser in which the local kids raised all the funds for the construction of the Kenyan school. After the school’s construction is complete, Kids for Peace representatives will travel to Kenya to be spruce up the school and make it perfect for the Kenyan children to attend.
We were given the chance to learn about the plans for the school and it’s going to be awesome. Kids for Peace intern, Michael, designed the playground that will be built by the group as part of the sprucing up efforts. It will have monkey bars, Tarzan ropes, swings, balance beams, and more for the kids to climb and play on. Also, all the classrooms will be stocked with furniture and supplies to make it ready operate on the first day of school.
At Joshua’s, we were able to help out with organizing the 3,148 books that will be used to stock the school’s library for the Kenyan students. We documented all the books on a card system to help the school manage the new inventory of books for lending. We are so proud to be able to contribute a small part to this wonderful project to help some of the underprivileged students in Kenya.

To learn more about this organization check out their Facebook page: KIDS FOR PEACE